5th PSP-Orahex Members Forum
Speakers & Lectures

Ma. Celina Garcia
The Rational Use of Systemic Antibiotics in Periodontal Therapy
The definitive role of the dental biofilm as the causative agent of periodontal diseases has long been confirmed. This bacterial etiology, along with the established concepts on the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases, forms the basis for procedures that are performed for the prevention and treatment of such conditions. Conventional periodontal therapy primarily consists of mechanical plaque control measures, particularly good personal oral hygiene, and instrumentation to remove both the supra and subgingival dental biofilm from tooth surfaces. These procedures aim to control inflammation and arrest the progression of further periodontal tissue destruction. With well-executed scaling and root planing coupled with improved oral hygiene, majority of periodontitis cases are brought back to a stable case of periodontal health, albeit on a reduced periodontium. However, patients with certain periodontal conditions may benefit from adjunctive systemic antibiotics when prescribed in conjunction with mechanical periodontal therapy. This lecture will expound on the evidence-based clinical practice recommendations on the rational use of systemic antibiotics that were developed by the ad hoc Antibiotic Stewardship Committee of the Philippine Society of Periodontology. Specific periodontal conditions that may warrant antibiotic therapy will be presented. Moreover, clinical advice for disease management, as well as specific antibiotic regimens, will be discussed.
Learning Objectives:
- To review the non-surgical approach to periodontal therapy
- To discuss the rationale and treatment outcomes of periodontal therapy
- To describe patient conditions that will'need antibiotic therapy
- To rationalize the use of antibiotics in periodontal therapy
- To list the antibiotics of choice for use in periodontal therapy
To register contact PSP Secretariat:
- +63 917 122 4967 (Globe/Viber)
- philperio.org@gmail.com